Thursday 8 April 2021

Single Electron Transistor: Applications & Problems

Om Kumar and Manjit Kaur

VLSI-ES Department, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, Mohali, India


The goal of this paper is to review in brief the basic physics of nanoelectronic device single-electron transistor [SET] as well as prospective applications and problems in their applications. SET functioning based on the controllable transfer of single electrons between small conducting "islands". The device properties dominated by the quantum mechanical properties of matter and provide new characteristics coulomb oscillation, coulomb blockade that is helpful in a number of applications. SET is able to shear domain with silicon transistor in near future and enhance the device density. Recent research in SET gives new ideas which are going to revolutionize the random access memory and digital data storage technologies.


Nanoelectronics; Single-electron transistor; Coulomb blockade, Coulomb oscillation, Quantum dot

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